Joel Beskin: Gold Coast

joel2In 2004 Joel Beskin is celebrating 62 years on the stage.

His first leading role as Sir Walter Scott's " Young Lochinvar " appropriately in community theatre was at the age of nine while an evacuee from Nazi bombing during WW2. he went on to take countless roles in plays, musicals, advertising, film stints, TV and radio.

For the past 44 years in Australia he has devoted considerable time and service to community theatre and has been a tireless worker in encouraging and cementing co-operation between theatres.

He was closely involved in planning and building three theatres in south-east Queensland - Brisbane Arts, Twelfth Night and Spotlight.

He is the founding member and Chairman of the Gold Coast theatre Alliance and has also served the Broader Arts Community by organising many conferences, summits and forums.

Joel is quite simply a lifetime man of Community Theatre.

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